
First Book, Second Meeting

Last night was fun. I can sense a lot of excitement about our project. Let's dive right in!

The next meeting will be at 7pm on Sunday May 31st at Patrick's house: 602 15th St. NW.

We have decided to start by reading the first 100 (or so) pages of Jean-Paul Satre's "Nausea". If you have difficulty finding a copy of the book, send a message to the group. Someone will gladly help you out!

Please be ready to discuss the text and ask a few 'why' questions.

And don't forget to spend five minutes on Doodle to vote for the best days to meet. August polls will be up later this month.

Check back soon for the booklist, including the titles that didn't make it to our top eight!


  1. http://users.telenet.be/sterf/texts/phil/Sartre-Nausea.pdf

    Here's a pdf copy of Nausea. It looks complete, but has more text per page and so has fewer pages.
    Could someone post a estimate of where the 100 page mark would be on here?

  2. seems to be around page 52 of the PDF
